The paleolithic era was a crude time.  There was little culture and the people never settled in one place, this is called a nomad.  Yet 10,000 years ago that all changed, people settled down, people planted crops, and people began to domesticate animals.  All this came about in the neolithic era.  These were the roots of the modern man.  This was the beginings of the crazy world of today.

The main shift that occurred was from hunting and gathering to agriculture and animal domestication. With such an excess of goods, time was spent trading, which caused people to begin specializing in different crafts and a division of labor occurred. In the Paleolithic Age, men hunted and women gathered food. There was said to be equality between the two. In the Neolithic Age, men began caring for the animals and acquired a more dominant role, as women stayed home, cared for children and performed household tasks. At this time,  settlements developed into more advanced societies. With the emergence of farming, walled cities grew and became more prominent in several major river valleys. Another change was the shift from cave shelters to shelters made of animal skins. Many of these changes have lasted for thousands of years.